Most factories had taken whole environment, production, preservation or shipping.

into consideration in the early stages of construction.

But as time goes by, the original procedure and proper management may gradually lose due to stuff turnover.


YCM establishes regular and complete mold prevention education and training systems for factories.

Factories’ stuffs can quickly gain all necessary knowledge,

strengthening the best practice of mold prevention and environmental management!


Seminar, test, post, training

Online and digital services are creating smarter supply chains.

Besides the quality and efficiency of production,

this also improves the management efficiency of factory’s environment.


Improving our service with latest technology

checking and advising brands’ suppliers.

We hope to help brands create not only smarter

but more sustainable supply chains.


Information Sharing:Digitalizing to create next generation supply chains in Asia

Chemical anti-mold spray is water-based agent.

Using sprays increases material’s moisture content and the risk of mold.

Mold will still grow on the parts that aren’t covered by spray.


Molds and bacteria may exist in water and incorrect ratios may reduce spray’s efficacy.

Moreover, volatilization of the chemical spray will affect its performance.

Volatilization will also do harm to workers and consumers.

Excessive accumulation in body may lead to the risk of kidney or other health issue.


diagram of mold prevention spray

What can factory expect from YCM’s improving project?

Tailor-made for the best equipment planning,

minimize waste of resources

and make best use of resources as effective investment!


YCM has always been committed to promoting

importing mold prevention mechanism into a factory.

Deliver mold prevention knowledge and implement improvement plans

For manufacturers, it is a matter of urgency!

YCMs consulting service


Last summer, YCM won “Taiwan Most Innovative Brand Award” and “Taiwan Excellent Products Golden Award” from Taiwan Best Manufacturer Committee.

And it’ our pleasure to have our information on Taiwan Excellence’s 2019 publication.


In 2019, YCM will still devote ourselves to sustainability.

Researching, developing and refining

to help brands and factories better enterprises!


Taiwan Best Taiwan Excellent
Innovative and Golden Award

Lunar New Year is coming.

YCM is well-prepared to provide faster

and more professional service to brands and factories.

in the upcoming year.


We wish every partner all is well in the year of pig.


YCM's card for year of pig